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When I read the Bible from cover to cover I don’t see anyone in it who God used powerfully who played it safe.

Noah, at tremendous financial cost, investment of time and inconvenience built a boat in a place with no water because He had a word from the Lord. He ignored the insults of culture. The voice of God was louder to him than anything else he could hear. It was louder than the ridicule he faced from outside or any voices of doubt from within.

Elijah kept his mission as a prophet as a land went further and further into spiritual decay and darkness even when he was isolated and felt like the only one who was still burning. He confronted evil political power, walked with God in great signs and wonders but also father prophetic people and formed healthy community of people who refused to compromise.

David as a teenager took on a seasoned warrior Goliath on a stage bigger than the World Cup, Super Bowl and NBA Finals combined with everyone watching. He had everything to lose but because He took the risk with God, He came away a hero.

Jacob in a moment of great faith, risky passion you might say or faith wrestled with God and won and became Israel.

Joseph risked his career and life resisting sexual advances from Potiphar’s wife and risked his life again even in prison continuing his ministry even with nothing. In one moment he got a makeover and shave and went from the prison to the palace. Even as his situation changed, he kept his core value of taking risk for God and being unchanged by pressures.

The disciples agreed to take a risk and go out and preach the gospel, heal the sick, raise the dead and cast out demons in groups of two - going without Jesus to places they had never been with no money in their pockets and no weapon to protect them in an era where police could not be counted on. Based on Jesus word they said yes and despite their imperfections, the same things that happened when Jesus came to a town happened when the disciples came to a town.

Jesus even though He was fully God, being fully man He had the opportunity to sin or walk away from His call to redeem mankind. He took risks preaching around dangerous people who wanted to kill him and dying on the cross for our salvation and walked out of the grave on the 3rd day.

We all want to be heroes but sometimes we can be afraid to take the risk. Whenever I am about to take a risk with God I have a variety of emotions

  1. Excitement/Butterflies - When God is calling me to do something there is a strange mix of excitement, nervousness, joy, worry.

  2. Second Thoughts - Almost like when you are a kid and you are about to jump into a swimming pool, you know it won’t do to inch your way in slowly, you have to go in all at once, but something inside wants to hold back. After this feeling I try to summon courage and just go for it.

  3. Inner Dialogue - At the same time I’m praying - “God are you sure?” my mind is thinking, “What if I get rejected? I hate that feel….and what if nothing happens when I pray? - It is a battle between fear and faith.

  4. Peace/Awareness of God with Me - I wish I could say everytime I try to share God’s love/message with someone it works out awesome. It works out better being spirit led than being random, but having an awareness of God’s love for me and knowing He is pleased with us and loves us as sons and daughters and values risk/faith over success is so key. Eric Liddell the Olympic runner said, “I feel God’s pleasure when I run”. I feel God’s pleasure when I see someone encounter Jesus for the first time or the first time in a long time.

There is so much that could be said about being a risktaker. When I miss opportunities that God is giving me and realize later I repent and apologize to him and He is always so gracious. Even the missed opportunities are chances to learn and recognize what God had a heart to do through you.

Lord Jesus I pray you touch people reading this, break supernaturally the power of intimidation/witchcraft/control/fear over people that they would fully say yes to You and live a life of which the world is not worthy (Hebrews 11:38). Help us to take risks outside the church building, to stop for the one in our daily lives, to love well because love never fails, not compromise truth or bow to the spirit of political correctness but to have the heart of the Father who left the 99 for the one.