Conferences & Revival Weekends

W/ Mark & Sharon Koehn

& Stewart Ministries

Experience the Father Heart of God

Hannah Stewart

“When my Dad [Mark] met the Holy Spirit and encountered God’s heart as a Father, God transformed him to be the father I always wanted to have. ”

Sometimes we know intellectually that God loves us and is a good father, but often times our experience, theological presuppositions may cloud that picture of who He really is.

For much of church history many have viewed God the Father as angry, distant, scary and judgmental and Jesus as the loving Person of the Trinity who dies for us. When in contrast, the Bible teaches in Hebrews 1:3 that Jesus is the “express image” of the invisible Father, or in other words Jesus is just like His Heavenly Father.

There is one God and All 3 persons of the Trinity are full of love for humanity and the world God created. Unfortunately, a lot of us have had imperfect representations of fatherhood and motherhood that can affect our lens of who God is.

Background of Father’s Heart Ministry

Mark & Sharon Koehn

Mark & Sharon Koehn were trained in 2018 at Shiloh Place ministries (started by Jack & Trisha Frost) and have since trained people in Father’s Heart curriculum in the local church and seen the Lord powerfully restore people’s hearts. They are parents of 7 amazing children - Joshua, Carissa, Hannah, David, Grace, Rebecca and Seth.

Mark grew up in a family, where Jesus was taught as the savior and being involved in church was important. Mark‘s Dad loved Jesus and was a prayer warrior. His Dad was born during The Great Depression where survival was the dominating motivation. After being saved, survival was still his Dad‘s motivation as that was his normal. Mark saw a mixture of love with anger, shame and sarcasm. His Mom and Dad parented the best they knew how with the examples of their own parents being the only training available. Finally, in the third generation when Mark encountered God as a good, loving Father, in a tangible way, all the shame and performance-based love was washed away, and God download a new paradigm of who God the Father is and who he could be as a Dad.

Stewart Ministries

Adam has a heart for both religious people and people who have never met God to “taste and see that the Lord is good”. Adam’s perspective on fatherhood is a little bit different than Mark’s. Adam grew up in a divorced context where his Dad was a warm loving person but not physically present due to the separation of his parents. Following the divorce Adam’s Dad moved away out of state to New Mexico when Adam was just 7 years old. Adam’s journey could be described as looking through the reverse lens of the prodigal son, with actually a prodigal earthly father who left the family and him being the son waiting for a father to return and wanting a father to pursue him. After the divorce, Adam’s Mom prayed, “God can you be Adam’s dad since his earthly dad isn’t here anymore?”. Adam’s journey has been perhaps a response to that prayer in pursuing God’s Father heart in filling that void of fatherlessness, discovering healthy identity as a man, and finding a restored identity in God as a heavenly Father. Interestingly, Adam’s first public sermon ever preached was actually Luke 15 on God’s heart as a Father for both sons the worldly and religious one. Now, becoming a father in 2021 to Eden Genevieve, Adam is beginning to understand God’s heart for his children through becoming a father himself.

Together between Adam’s story and Mark’s story there are pictures of how God can heal different types of father wounds.

What to Expect in a Weekend Father Heart Events

In the course of a weekend we will see the curse of Fatherlessness broken off of people, see forgiveness and healing to areas where our earthly fathers and mothers failed us, and encounter God’s love and truth as a good good Father. Usually we will bring a worship team or partner with the church or ministry.

Topics & Activations

-The Purpose of Fathers

-6 Kinds of Earthly Fathers & Healing Father Wounds

-Healing Mother Wounds

-Ways to Experience Father God’s Love

-The Father’s Love Letter

-Finding What We Were Created For

Father's heart
Rembrandt's Prodigal Son

Host a Father’s Heart Event

Interested in bringing a Father’s Heart conference to your city? Whether you are a pastor of a church or just want to host an event at hotel or home, we prayerfully consider all requests. Fill out some info and we will be in touch shortly! We can't wait to hear from you!