‘Ask it of Me, and I will certainly give the nations as Your inheritance, And the ends of the earth as Your possession.

"May the Lamb of God receive the reward of His suffering." - Moravian Missions Anthem


When I was in college I felt led by the Lord to research how many people were dying every day and the percentage of them didn’t know Jesus and at that time the numbers were around 50,000 a day. I was so impacted that I wept beyond comfort for what felt like forever in my dorm room in agony at the thought of people dying without knowing Jesus. The dorm building was near IH-35 in Austin, Texas and due to the highway noise was built with thick concrete walls, mostly soundproof like a bomb shelter. I had never heard any noise from another room but apparently I was crying so loudly that concerned people knocked on the door to see if I was okay.

At that moment in tears that could not be comforted I asked God to use my life in whatever way would bring the most people to heaven and bring God the most glory, that God would use me to bring a genuine revival to the church.

I started a chapter of Campus Crusade at my university, got a degree in theology, interned with a church planter, and have been looking for every opportunity since to spread Jesus everywhere I went. While a student at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry, I served Chris Overstreet and Kevin Dedmon in the evangelism department and taught both students and pastors from all around in supernatural evangelism models. I also helped with incarnational missional house church communities that Bethel started in the worst neighborhoods in the city

I’ve done 3 missions trips to Mexico, some with Bethel Church and others with Lutheran churches doing house building in poor neighborhoods. In 2015 I did my first mission trip to France & Switzerland, ministering 8 cities around the country. In 2016, I did another trip to Spain & Norway and returned to France in 2019. I love the diversity of the church and have a passion for both protestants and Catholics and every denomination to experience the fullness of what the Holy Spirit wants to release to empower the church to fully give Jesus the reward of His sufferings and complete the Great Commission in our lifetime.