My heart is to see a global awakening/revival that stretches into eternity to see the lost saved, the church revived and people of all nations to taste and see that the Lord is good. I want to see the local, regional and global church understand their identity and equipped to demonstrate God’s love and power, walking in all of the gifts and fruits of the Holy Spirit. I want to see Christians to be famous for the level of joy, love, honor, freedom, creativity and power. I want to see revival and a true move of God in every Christian denomination, Protestant, Catholic, Orthodox, Lutheran, Presbyterian, Anglican, and more, that the God who created all galaxies, worlds, time and space and history would be made famous in this generation and into eternity.

Core Values

1. Apostolic Partnerships/Friendships - The Biblical word apostle is a term borrowed from the Roman Empire as the person who would establish Roman Culture in a newly conquered area. This is the person who would coordinate in the establishment of roman roads, government, aqueducts, culture, language, etc. Jesus took this word to describe his 12, and 70 and those leaders throughout generations that followed as cultural ambassadors meant to bring the Kingdom of God/Heaven to Earth. As such, apostolic to me means wanting to impact locally, regionally, and globally for the Kingdom of God (Jerusalem, Judea, Ends of the Earth).

The Apostle Paul wasn’t only impacting one city or one neighborhood, he had God’s heart for the gospel to shift regions and nations. Apostolic people serve well in their local churches but see a greater vision to the region, state, nations and world. I am looking for a group of friends/leaders who want to chase God dreams together in person/and or online. Some of you guys are in the region and we can have coffee/dinner together. Others are in other parts of the world. I really don't know yet what this will look like but I do have some core values...that may or may not resonate with you.

2. Creativity - Gen 1:2 - The Christian world is marked by copycats and clones and the same structures which keep repeating themselves. It is time for people to do outside the box stuff. What if we could believe in each others dreams before they could become reality? - Gen 1-2

3. Fearlessness - Prov 21:25 - God wants us to fear/reverence and be impressed only Him. Other fears restrain us from chasing God in a big way . The proverbs share this amazing word..."The fear of man brings a snare, But whoever trusts in and puts his confidence in the LORD will be exalted and safe. " Proverbs 21:25

With massive respect for God's power and not giving into control, intimidation, from others, we can carry out the big YES to God's callings. We fear God and not man.

4. Joy - Psalm 16:11 - In His presence if fullness of joy. Joy = strength. It's not a season to get bogged down by what the enemy is doing or whats wrong. Yes, it is healthy to process pain and be authentic but we live in a place of celebration because heaven is celebrating.

5. Biblical Worldview/Strong Doctrine - 1 Tim 4:6 - It's not sexy to focus on doctrine, but now more than ever having a Biblical worldview is being challenged. We can't see Kingdom impact for God if we let human opinions or spiritual experience re-define who God is or what our mission looks like. The Bible needs to be the lens through which we see everything else. If we are lukewarm or compromised in how we see things we cannot see how heaven wants to bring reformation and renewal. "All scripture is God breathed..." - 2 Tim 3:16. We don't change the Bible to be more comfortable. We change our beliefs to align with God's.

6. Integrity - Jude 1:24 - Billy Graham studied the 3 major reasons why ministry fail and made sure to put safeguards around His life and ministry in order to finish the race well. Saint Paul finished the race well with no scandals. Without integrity we cannot have long lasting impact.

7. Intimacy with God - Psalm 27:4 - The one thing David wanted was intimacy with God, to be alone with Him. Worship transforms us towards the one we behold.

8. Spiritual Fathering - Good Relationships w/ Authority - Timothy became awesome because of Apostle Paul's insight into his journey. Because of abuses or fears or cultural brokenness we have become by and large a generation of rebels who can't accept input from leaders. This is not God's heart and resistance to having voices of fathers and mothers only limits our potential and delays the realisation of God's promises in our journey. I want to chase God with people who are humble to grow and have a heart to surround themselves with healthy empowering spiritual fathers and mothers.

9. Big Dreamers Get There - Gen 37-50 - In the story of Joseph he was ridiculed for being a "dreamer". However, later on He got the last laugh when his God dream was realized. What if there was a community that could pray into dreams that would otherwise be ridiculed?

10. The World is Small - Wherever You Live You Can Change it- Matthew 28 - God's vision for revival/impact is local, regional, global. Usually that's God's heart for us to imagine impact near and far. The pandemic crisis has shown that through the internet we can impact people anywhere in the world.

11. We Can Accomplish Great Things if Someone Believes in Us - 1 Samuel 14 - Jonathan's armor bearer gave a "Yes" to Jonathan's crazy idea that 2 guys could take out an army and God couldn't resist such faith in showing up. However, without the armor bearer jumping in as well this story never would have happened. How can we encourage and put fire on each others dreams and water on each others fears?

12. Defeat the Past be Brave Towards the Future - Isaiah 61 - The sooner we face our wounds/fears/failures the sooner we can walk forward. Inner healing is part of the journey. When someone closes their heart to be ministered to..

13. Be Both Givers and Receivers - Luke 6:38 - The Kingdom of God is meant to be flow in and out from us. The people I want to run with I want to see people who are the last person at the meeting wanting to receive one more thing from God as well as having the heart to release to others. We become the dead sea if we only receive, but we also become dry and empty if we only give. Kingdom health is about both. Let's be a blessing to each other and see life flowing in and out from God.

14. Faithfulness - Phil 1:6 - Anyone can have an idea. Faithfulness means showing up, honor, honesty, strength and being Phil 1:6 people in seeing ideas birthed on the Earth. God is faithful to us and as His kids we can walk in faithfulness - And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. (ESV)