What is Sozo?
Sozo/σῴζω is a Greek word in the New Testament of the Bible referencing personal salvation, but it also refers to people being physically healed and delivered from demons. Jesus came to σῴζω us or save us in every meaning of the word, eternal salvation, physical healing, freedom and deliverance from demons and demonic influence, or in other words a restoration from the damage of the fall. 

There are many different Biblical counseling methods or inner healing styles. The Sozo ministry is a unique inner healing and deliverance ministry in which the main aim is to get to the root of those things hindering the client’s personal connection with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit. With a healed connection with Father, Son and Holy Spirit they can walk in the destiny to which they have been called.

Sozo is an inner healing/deliverance ministry
Sozo is simple, fast, Spirit led and effective
Sozo finds issues in minutes instead of years
Sozo helps heal your relationship with God to enable you to fulfill your destiny
The vision of Sozo ministry is that each member is healed and has an open path of communication with the Godhead - Father, Son & Holy Spirit.

Stewart Ministries - Adam’s Experience in Sozo & Inner Healing Ministry

No matter what has happened in your past, God has an amazing plan for your future! I am excited to serve you in getting all the freedom that Jesus paid for on the cross.

I am an ordained pastor, and have completed Sozo training while a student at Bethel School of Supernatural Ministry and served at the transformation center between 2010-2013, on a Bethel mission trip to Mexico and on my own trips to Europe, as well as to many congregation members while on staff as an assistant pastor locally in the DFW area from 2014-2021.

I continue to minister to believers around the world via Zoom/Facetime and locally. My personal approach is to use Sozo tools but also be Spirit-led in their implementation. I also have studied Biblical pastoral counseling models in seminary and have 10+ years of ministry experience to people in all places, ages and walks of life. If I can help you in your journey with God please connect!



Step 1: Fill out the digital Sozo form online (below). You will also need to sign & submit the liability waiver form. Bring that form to your session
Step 2: I will contact you for an appointment


Q. Where will the sessions take place?
A. We do sessions from our home in Mckinney, Texas and online via Zoom anywhere in the world.

Q. How should I prepare for my session?
A. Prayer & doing some kind of a fast that day or the week before is a good idea. Jesus said some demons/demonic influence could only be overcome by prayer and fasting. While not all Sozo sessions address demonic influence (some could focus more on our identity in Christ), it is often best to be prepared for any scenario.

Q. Is there a cost for this ministry?
A. Donations are appreciated but not required. Suggested donation is $115 per single Sozo session or 4 Sozo sessions for $400 (if booked together). Appointments typically last 1.5-2 hours.

If you are in a position where you are able to make a donation it helps the ministry to continue and grow. I want to minister to whoever the Lord brings but also have limited time so donations allow me to dedicate more time to this specific ministry to the body of Christ. I’ve been through seasons of life where I needed ministry but didn’t have any money as a student or full-time ministry and am grateful for people who ministered to me.

I have also been in seasons where I did have extra money where I could invest in the people who ministered to me. I recognize counseling as a gift worthy of investing in, especially as it is pretty time-intensive. It is also possible to donate extra to cover the sessions of those who can’t contribute if you want to sponsor a friend or someone in the future by contributing to the ministry in general.

If you would like a session but need financial assistance or are unable to contribute at this time just apply and share your circumstances.

Q. I would like to donate in a foreign currency
A. You can donate via the Paypal link and Paypal is able to do the currency exchange from Euros, pounds, etc.

Q. I have had a session already, can I get another one?
A. Most likely yes, contact us for availability. We are currently offering a package where you can get a discount by scheduling 4 sessions at once.

Q. I don’t live in Texas in the DFW area, can I get a session online?
A. Yes, we can minister in via Zoom, Facetime, Skype or Facebook messenger. I can minister on the phone if that is someone’s only option but typically other options are better. I may also be able to help to find/refer someone to you in your region for an in-person session. Let me know how I can help you

Q. I don’t speak English, can I still receive a Sozo with a translator?
A. Yes, I have done sessions ministering to native French, Spanish, and other languages. We have a French speaking translator as a regular part of our team. I am happy to minister to someone in any language provided a translator can be found. Connect with us and we can discuss options to include a translator to help with the session.

Q. No hablo inglés, ¿puedo recibir el ministerio de Sozo? Vivo en el área de Dallas / Ft Worth.

A.No hay problema. O puedo encontrar un traductor para su sesión o podemos hablar con un pastor o amigo que podría venir con usted para ayudarlo a traducir. ¡Emocionado de ministrarte! Solo sé unas pocas palabras en español, pero si me envía un correo electrónico en español, puedo traducir y comunicarme con usted a través del traductor de Google. No dude en contactarme en su idioma nativo.

Q. Who will be in the session?
A. For liability reasons, we only minister in teams of 2. There is a leader and a 2nd who takes notes, prays and may also minister. The second is generally the same gender as the person being ministered to. Ie - If ministering to a woman, there is a woman as 2nd, if ministering to a man the 2nd is male. Additionally if the Sozo is in another language there may be a translator, as a 2nd or 3rd minister.

Q. What will the session be like? Should I be scared?
A. Sozo sessions are gentle, loving and a safe space for you to be you and receive. The session will be covered by God's love and peaceful. Also, you will be given a feedback form to communicate to our leadership team how your session went so we can be personally accountable and always grow and improve.

Q. My friend needs inner healing but is not yet a Christian, can they receive a Sozo?
A. Yes, we will minister to people wherever they are in their spiritual walk. If they are not Christian, the requirement is that during the session we will pray in Jesus name and connect to God as revealed in the Bible and they would need to pray this way also during the session and follow the lead of whoever is overseeing the Sozo and not invoke any other gods or religious practices. Sozo ministry can only happen praying to the God of the Bible, not any other god.

There is an element of caution in ministering to pre-believers as they don’t have any permanent protection from demonic influence (Luke 11, Matthew 12), so it is highly recommended to begin a relationship with Jesus.

Nevertheless, Jesus himself ministered and cast out demons and healed people physically and emotionally where there is no record that they immediately began following him.

He did so as an act of mercy and God’s love and so we believe in following this example. There is also no Biblical command against casting demons out of people who are not believers. Note: this issue is disagreed upon by different groups and we respect people’s decision based on their own Biblical conviction.

Q. Do I need a specific issue/problem in order to get a session?
A. No, Like going to the dentist for a checkup, you can receive a session even if you don't have a known issue. This is actually common and people regularly receive ministry even without known issues and experience breakthrough nonetheless.

Q. Can a Christian have a demon or demonic influence?
A. We don't believe a Christian can be possessed as Christians are indwelt by the Holy Spirit, but Christians can be oppressed. Jesus told Peter "Get behind me Satan" which implies Peter had opened the doorway to demonic influence. Jesus taught that those who choose to live in unforgiveness can become tormented.

Q. I don't need inner healing, I need a counseling session
A. I have received training in pastoral/Biblical counseling at seminary. Depending on what type of counseling you are needing I can either help or recommend someone. We have a good relationship with a licensed counselor/therapist who works with both couples and individuals.

Q. Do you do Sozo ministry with children?
A. I have done a little inner healing ministry with children. I am open to try or you may contact Bethel church in Redding, CA, their transformation center has people who specialize in ministering to children.

Q. I am from ____ denomination. They don’t believe in casting out demons or inner healing.
A. I am sorry to hear of your experience in trying to get help.

I am happy to minister to Christians of all denominations and have ministered to protestant, Roman Catholic and virtually every denomination. Jesus own ministry which was prophesied in Luke 4 and Isaiah 61 is a restoration of the whole person and you can see in his life, death and resurrection, and included dealing with demonic influence and damage to the human soul.

Despite this clearly being in the Bible, some Christian groups believe demons to be extinct like dinosaurs or only to exist in Africa or 3rd world countries. This is unfortunate because it was one of the commands of Jesus to the leaders of the church in Matthew 10. If your pastor/priest doesn’t believe demons exist you may not receive the best pastoral care from them on this issue but God can help you and we are happy to minister to you.

Q. What is the difference between Sozo, Inner Healing, Exorcism, Deliverance, etc?
A. Sozo and other Inner Healing can address demonic issues but do not necessarily have to. Many sessions are more focused on identity in God: Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Sozo can help with healing and restoration of the soul/identity, growing in your relationship with Jesus, etc. Exorcism and Deliverance are typically focused more directly towards removing demonic influence from a person or location. Exorcism is a word used by traditional groups such Roman Catholic, Eastern Orthodox, Anglican, Lutheran, etc while Inner healing & deliverance is more used by people in the Charismatic/Pentecostal world. My preferred vocabulary is Sozo, inner healing or exorcism.

Q. I suspect my house/apartment/property has demonic influence/ghosts/something bad or I just want to dedicate my home/apartment to Jesus, do you pray over properties?
A. Yes, I do house blessings and would love to come and pray for God to bless your home or apartment.

Wherever Jesus went the land itself was healed. The book of Romans says that all creation is groaning for the sons of God to be revealed and to experience redemption. Properties can have demonic influences due to sins committed there, occult involvement, or just be somewhat neutral because they were never prayed for. Zaccheus house in the Bible and his whole life changed the day that Jesus came over for dinner. Obed Edom’s house was blessed when the ark of the covenant was stored there temporarily.

In the Old Testament, places where God moved often even had their names changed, whereas places where evil things happened often had a bad connotation and some were even cursed for future generations and had their name changed. This also happened in church history Johann Blumhardt, a Lutheran pastor in Germany there was a girl who was possessed by demons and the house had demonic activity in 1840s. Aimee Carmichael also came across a house with demonic activity during her ministry in India. The good news is that Jesus blood carries power to redeem the whole world including creation and land. Whenever my wife and I move into a new home we spend time praying over the land. In the Bible blessed places were typically places where God did something powerful (Bethel, Jerusalem, the house of Obed-Edom), while cursed places would be like Jericho or Sodom/Gomorrah. Of course those are extreme examples. Joshua 1 talks about everywhere believers go the Kingdom of God expands.


If you would like to receive a Sozo. Please fill out and submit this form. Note: the signed liability release form must also be completed in order to receive ministry. Copies of the release should be present at your session if you are unable to print and bring one. Thank you for your interest in a Sozo. We will do our best to be in touch soon. We pray that Jesus may bring freedom to you, life, joy, and comfort, even in the time leading up to your Sozo. 

Sozo sessions in DFW - Based out of Mckinney

Sozo inner healing sessions locally in DFW metroplex, based out of Mckinney, TX serving communities across north Texas Dallas/Ft-Worth, Frisco, Plano and online anywhere in the world. Sessions translated in French, Spanish and other languages may also be available.