“Starry Night in Maine”


I was on the dock visiting Maine and this poem came to me about how amazing God is and also how short life is and how quickly it passes us by. Hope you love it, feel free to share

Starry Night in Maine - A.M. Stewart - Original Poem - July 2021

Creator of the Stars

There seems no end

to what You've made

We give You the worship You deserve

Take our lives, words, prayers and days

You have made us rich with beauty

We see it everywhere

Yet there is even more beauty we cannot see

Angels and archangels

Ascending and descending

In furious graceful movement

In the heavenly realms

Veiled from the 5 senses

Which some lay such confidence in

Somehow Your creation keeps moving

These fish look like the exact same fish

I saw shining in the water when I was 5 years old

But generations have come and gone

They are the great great grandchildren

Even though we seem to be standing still

We spin quickly, noting only the wrinkles

And decay of things that have worn out

And people whose voices no longer share the scene

Like actors who have no more lines to read

New faces emerge to star

in this current chapter

Or wait for their moment to walk on

Hesitating and peering from stage right

for the Director's magical nod

Someday in years to come

They are often unaware of

the Wondrous One Who has made all of this

Let us not make that mistake

For He is infinitely worthy

YHWH the true living God

Our faces mark the passage of time

Generations rise and fall

but You remain eternal

You uphold all things by Your power

Jesus in this still water at midnight

Do you still walk on the glassy surface

when no one is paying attention?

Thank you for dragging glaciers across

Forests with Your mighty hand

In Millennia past

Thank you for carving Echo Lake from

honest dirt, rough burly rock, and felled timbers

Hewing stone and redirecting water flows

And painting and speaking

The creatures into Existence

who would live in this place

Thank you for your kindness to us

And letting us join the ranks

Of loons, moose, fish, deer and herons

Lightning bugs flashing magic

Through gentle forest breezes

Thank you for Letting us be

Part of the living landscape

The good Artist who chose to include us

Imperfect as we are

By Grace and costly blood

in His masterpiece

In the hugeness of this universe

Your attention still notices us

Counts every hair and notices

If a single eyelash would fall

Or tear of joy cascades down

Still You see when hands are raised in praise

In the pitch black dock at midnight




10 Keys to Walk in 24/7 Joy - Part 2